Sketch Your Way to Better Botany [and botanical art!]
Lopez Island Grange
Saturday and Sunday, April 20th and 21st, 2024
Instructor - Dr. Linda Vorobik
To sign up and arrange payment (SQUARE or check to Linda Ann Vorobik) contact Linda. $140 for weekend if payment made before April 1, 2024, no fooling, $160 for the weekend if payment made later.
Spending a weekend learning about and sketching plants is great way to learn the basics of their form and how to best draw them. Gardeners, botanists, artists, & field journalists can all benefit from this fun weekend.
Every good botanical watercolor or botanical illustration begins with accurate pencil sketches, and the more you understands the form of plants, the better your drawings and paintings of them will be. Here you will learn about the various parts of plants, and variety of parts, and how to draw them. I will bring in material which shows many different kinds of leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. Linda

Dr. Linda Ann Vorobik is affiliated with the University Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley, and at the University of Washington Herbarium, Burke Museum. She specializes in botanical illustration and plant systematics. She is the principal illustrator for botanical publications including Flora North America Volume 25 (Grasses), The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, The Jepson Desert Manual, A Flora of San Nicolas Island, and A Flora of Santa Cruz Island. Linda cherishes all three west coast states as home: she holds a PhD from the University of Oregon, Eugene, conducts field research and teaches in the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon, is writing a book on the flora of the Sierra Nevada, California, and lives at her family home on Lopez Island, Washington. She was editor of Fremontia, the journal of the California Native Plant Society from 2000-2006; she conducts research on the genus Arabis (rock cress, Brassicaceae; ITS analysis to determine taxonomic relationships between species in the A. macdonaldiana group). As well as executing precise and accurate botanical illustrations for books and journals, Linda sells her color work as originals, prints, and cards, and teaches botany and botanical illustration workshops. For more information, see her Gallery Page.
Click here for
venues where Vorobik Workshops have been held and here
for descriptions of Vorobik Workshops.
Write to Linda at if you would like to be on her email mailing list,
or if you would
like to schedule a show or workshop in your area. Thank you!.
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